Classified ads Business Relationship

PSS Worldwide supports its instructors and has already established itself internationally as a pioneer in important innovations in the field of diving technology and education.

Member of RSTC-Europe - PSS Worldwide's training programs comply with European Community (EN standards), ISO (International Organization for Standardization) and RSTC Europe (Recreational Scuba Training Council) standards.

PSS was the first dive training agency in the world to:

  • provides training in all aspects of diving and first aid, from freediving to technical diving;
  • has created an interactive web portal for the affiliated professionals;
  • has created a complete e-learning system applied to diving;
  • offers a multilingual ticketing system that is active 24 hours a day, 7 days a week;
  • promotes the use of digital certification for a plastic-free course;
  • use the digital signature and thus enable 100% paperless teaching.

Find out about your conditions to become a PSS Instructor or Divemaster.

or directly to

Gernot Hörnle

PSS Instructor Trainer and Training Programs Developer

Phone: (+49) 06131 5762956


55124 Mainz

Phone: 061317209737 Visit Tauchsport Seekuh

The fascination with diving has continued to grow in recent years among recreational divers and TEC divers. With concentrated competence and passion, we have built up the demand of the field of diving equipment through various positions, and since 2020 at the Lübeck location we have been supporting the clarification of the facts of diving accidents and technical issues.

Diving is generally the intrusion of a body into a liquid. As a rule, this refers to the diving of people under water. Unlike swimming and snorkeling, when diving the entire body is below the surface of the water. The conditions above the water are very different from those that prevail under water, which places special demands on people and technology, which are met with special learned skills and appropriate equipment.

We know that the clarification after a complex accident and in the case of a defect that can be understood is the greatest thing that can help after such a situation or even tragic loss. Our motivation is your enlightenment.

D- 23562 Luebeck

Phone: 022089216639

For private reasons, I am looking for a successor for my dive babies. The base is located directly on the harbor promenade of one of the most beautiful places in the southwest of Mallorca. With over 1000 regular guests, we have built up a very good and loyal customer base over the last 30 years. In addition to being awarded the Diving Award, the base enjoys an excellent reputation among travel agencies and diving schools worldwide.

The base is equipped with its own boat, an almost new VW bus, 2 compressors (one of them for Nitrox), 5 storage bottles and air cooling system, rental equipment for 40-50 divers and over 50 bottles.

The base is perfectly cut and offers reception, shop, training room, 3 showers, a wet area including sink and a spacious lounge area for guests after the dives. Our workshop is equipped to carry out any repair and maintenance of diving equipment on site.

Either a buyer or partner is sought to continue the business. Please only seriously mean requests.


We are looking for a successor from Altergruenden for our in-room diving business in Berlin.
The business rooms -180sqm - consist of sales, compressor, buero and training room. The large customer base, which is at home in Berlin and Brandenburg, is based on individual support and professional competence.
The sales price includes the furnishing and business equipment incl. high-quality compressor system with nitrox filling, warehouse, diving school, as well as all established customer and business connections.
Induction possible. Price: VB EUR 60,000,-

10717 Berlin

Visit unterwasserweltberlin

Our company deals with all technical aspects of diving as well as the development, manufacture and testing of technical equipment and equipment for industry and public institutions. Take a look at our websites. For the scuba divers among you we have an extra area:


Applies to ISO certification of diving technology Brandenburg
At the end of August 2010, our quality management system for the areas of regulator service for diving equipment and pressure vessel service for respiratory and diving equipment was once again confirmed by DEKRA!

New outdoor jet system !!!
For our existing service of internal steeling, we can now also offer external steeling of pressure vessels.

Our services at a glance:
•Testing of compressed air equipment (from the diving area and respiratory protection)
•Regulator maintenance and repair, authorized specialist operation
•Compressor maintenance and repair, service operation and base dealer of Bauer Compressors Munich
•Manufacture of special parts and test machines
•Regulator tests according to EN 250: since 1993 for the preparation of court reports
•Filling station of compressed air
•Borrowing and sale of diving equipment

Purchase of used compressors, also defective.

There are still vacancies to
Operator and Technology Seminar
for high-pressure compressors
in Brandenburg on 16 and 17 October 2010

Compressors Operator Seminar

Seminar content

Obtaining basic technical and legal knowledge,
as well as the organisational requirements for
operation of breathing air compressors.

Seminar topics:
- Basics for operators
- Installation guidelines
- Briefings
- legal bases
- Prerequisites and procedure of filling operation
- Compressed gas container markings
- maintenance regulations,
- Remedy in the event of operational disruptions

(no practice)

Cost please ask.
(including seminar documents and certificate)

Start at 9 a.m.

Compressors Technical Seminar

Seminar content

practical work on the breathing air compressor

Seminar topics:
- practical work on the compressor
- Constructive construction of 3- / 4-stage compressor blocks
- Condensation and its draining
- Influencing factors on filter life
- Lubrication
- Troubleshooting
- Fixing faults on the compressor
- practical disassembly,
- Measurement of oil pressure
-. Measurement of the intermediate duck of the individual stages
- Test run
(you can bring your own compressor)

Cost please ask.
(including seminar documents and certificate)

Start at 9 a.m.


Phone: 03381-223726 Visit Tauchertechnik Brandenburg Gmb

Hallo Tauchshops,

wir suchen Kooperationspartner die Interesse haben CMAS-Barakuda Crossover oder auch
TL* / TL ** Ausbildung anzubieten.

- Vermittlung von TL Kanidaten auf Provision
- Vorort Schulungen, Crossover, TL*/ TL**

Sollten Sie interesse haben so steht ihnen
unser Course Director gerne zur Verfügung


Phone: 06202 61381 Visit easy-divers Tauchsport

Verkaufen Tauchsportartikel für Tauchlehrer
und Basen zu Sonderkonditionen.
Keine Mindestabnahmemenge oder Mindestumsatz.
Erstellen gerne ein unverbindliches Angebot.
Bei Interesse Produkt/Preisliste anfordern.
Haben Produkte von folgenden Herstellern im Sortiment.
AC Inox Polaris,Aircon Tauchtechnik,
Reactor Diving und Nautec.

Euer Team von Belugadivers

18246 Jürgenshagen

Phone: +4915158129716 Visit Tauchsportartikel und Segelzubehör Christian Rutofski

Hallo Tauchlehrer oder Shopbesitzer !

Ihr sucht eine preiswerte Bezugsquelle von
Schulungsunterlagen und mehr ?

Dann wendet Euch unverbindlich an uns

Wir helfen Euch gerne weiter

Viele Grüße

easy-divers Tauchsport
Marc Baum & Team

PS: Bei uns spart Ihr mehr als ihr denkt :-))


Phone: 06202 61381 Visit easy-divers Tauchsport

Hallo liebe Freunde des Tauchsports! Ich lade Euch herzlich ein, in meine Schatzkiste einzutauchen. Ich biete Euch einen Willkommens-Rabatt von 10 % auf alle in meinem Shop aufgelisteten Artikel an. Alle angebotenen Schmuckstücke sind aus feinem 925 Sterling Silber gefertigt und garantiert 100 % Nickelfrei. Checkt einfach mal meine Homepage unter: Ich freue mich auf Eure Kontaktaufnahme und Bestellung. Selbstverständlich stehe ich Euch für Fragen jederzeit gerne zur Verfügung. Viel Spaß beim Abtauchen wünscht Euch Taucher-Schmuck Eva Baumgartner


Phone: 08666989936 Visit Taucher-Schmuck Eva Baumgartne

Du bist Tauchlehrer oder hast eine eigene Tauchschule ?

Bist Du sicher, dass Du die für Dich besten Preise beim Einkauf von Ausrüstung und Schulungsmaterialien erhälst ?

Wir sagen es Dir und wie Du mehr sparen kannst.

fairdive setzt genau an dieser Stelle an. Indem wir Tauchschulen und Tauchlehrern die Möglichkeit geben, Leistungen zu beziehen, die sie normalerweise nicht oder nur zu wesentlich schlechteren Konditionen erhalten würden.
So läßt sich die Angebotspalette optimal ergänzen und abrunden - das ganze ohne Risiko von z. B. Mindestumsätzen, Lagerhaltung etc.

fairdive versteht sich hierbei als Vermittler und Berater, denn unsere Mitarbeiter wissen aus eigener Erfahrung, woran es manchmal hakt. Unsere Partner gehören zu den bekanntesten in der Branche.

Sicher wird nicht jeder alles benötigen oder für sinnvoll erachten, aber dass muss auch nicht sein. Jeder hat individuelle Bedürfnisse und wir haben die individuellen Lösungen.

Unser eigener Vertrieb an PADI-Materialien kann Dir z. B. bis zu 15 % beim Einkauf sparen. Und das ohne Mindestabnahme, Lagerhaltung und Risiko. Einfach bestellen und Konditionen nutzen.

Mehr erfährst Du auf unserer Homepage unter

79669 Zell

PADI 5 Star Gold Palm Resort in Alanya Türkei sucht ab sofort deutschen PADI Divemaster für die Saison 2001.
Weitere Einzelheiten bei Kontaktaufnahme.


Phone: 07932/333 oder 0170 4351 882

PADI 5 Star Gold Palm Resort in Alanya/Türkei sucht ab sofort deutschen PADI Divemaster für die Saison 2001.
Weitere Einzelheiten bei Kontaktaufnahme unter:
Tel.: 07932/333 oder 0170 4351 882


Phone: 07932/333 oder 0170 4351 882

Biete Unterstützung bei Tauchausbildung. Padi Instructor mit Lehrberechtigung für 15 Speciltys, inkl Nitrox und Rebreather. Anfragen bitte per E-Mail


Phone: 04632-871524 Visit Tauchservice Nord